NOxDAB board shelve launch plans

The board of NOXDAB wrote to Ofcom on August 30, 2024 to inform them we will not be progressing our plans to launch a DAB multiplex for Banbury, Brackley and Bicester.

Over recent months whilst awaiting planning consent for one of our transmission sites we have carefully assessed other operator’s experiences, alongside considering the financial viability of SSDAB now in 2024.   We’ve also looked at the platform’s technical performance in other markets similar to ours.

We do now have planning permission, but it is our opinion that the world has moved on apace since we initially applied for the licence.

It is clear to us (and evidenced by other multiplexes) there is now far less interest in carriage than there was three years ago, particularly in smaller, more rural areas.

The chances of a project “washing its face” appear directly linked to maximising the population covered using the smallest number of transmitters. In our area power levels, interference rules and the lie of the land led us to a three transmitter solution which would achieve a population level deemed too low to be attractive to most broadcasters, at the carriage rate which would be required to cover the costs.

We are also aware that other operators – particularly rural operators – are finding SSDAB not technically robust. Drop-outs within a polygon whilst driving between transmitters is fairly common due to power and height limitations.

At the same time RAJAR demonstrates that whilst DAB listening has remained fairly stable over recent years (at a time when the number of services has grown substantially), it is IP listening which is taking off. All the signs are that IP will eventually dwarf everything else.

We have spoken to other operators who have come to the same conclusion as us in relation to the viability of the platform in our area.

Bearing in mind the above we have taken the decision to withdraw from the project.

We would like to thank Ofcom for giving us the opportunity.